Camp Alandale Work Day

Camp Alandale is a ministry that heritage supports monthly financially. Camp Alandale exists to introduce abused children to the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ and equip them to lead meaningful and productive lives.

Sadly, Camp Alandale was hit hard by Hurricane Hilary: There was flash flooding and high winds. All roads to camp were washed out, the main residence was floooded, and heaps of mud and debris are everywhere. Four of the girl cabins were damaged when they were moved by the current, crashing into each other.

Needless to say, they needed our help and continue to need help. Heritage was able to go up to the camp and help with damage created by Hurricane Hilary. It was a day filled with off-road adventure, great fellowship and hard word! We can’t wait to go help on the next work day to help restore Camp Alandale.

If you want to learn more about Camp Alandale please visit their website at

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