James Matz

Family Link Leader

I am fortunate to have had only have one pastor during my 31-year walk with the Lord. I was part of the original group of families that shouldered with Pastor Tom to help start Heritage Christian Fellowship. The Lord has gifted and challenged me in two main areas of my life. Like most people, it is my occupation and my marriage. My occupation is facilities and project management. The Lord has been able to use those gifts to help the church on the Deacon board. My marriage has been a sweet challenge. My wife Misty and I have fought the Good Fight to keep our 30 years of marriage. We have scars and experiences which we have gained along the way. Being a part of Family Link allows us to share those experiences and prepare younger couples and families with a candid look of what can be done in a marriage. Marriage is the great Christian adventure; it makes you face the true values and decrees of the Christian walk in a daily, faithful walk. My spouse Misty and I believe our marital transparency pleases the Lord and young marriages will realize they are are not alone or unique in their struggles. I love the opportunity to be a faithful steward. Using the gifts and talents the Lord gave me to bless His kingdom and others is the sweet spot of Christianity. I love anything with an engine. Motorcycles, cars and trucks all have a place in my free time. I also love the outdoors with family and friends.

James Matz
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