Pastor Tom Long

Senior Pastor

Tom has lived in Southern California since 1955.  He was saved in January, 1970, during the Jesus Movement, married his wife, Sandi in 1973 and has ministered near his original home all these years later. He was first given the name, “Pastor” at the age of 19. Today, Tom and Sandi live in the City of Orange.  They have two daughters, eight grandchildren and live less than a half mile from his beloved church, Heritage Christian Fellowship.  To this day, he serves as a community pastor.

Pastor Tom Long
February 9, 2025

Christ Encounters: A Favored Family - Martha

Jesus loved hanging out at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Why was that? And why was something tragic about to happen on Jesus’ watch?
Bible Passage:
January 26, 2025

Our Time in History

History repeats itself. Solomon suggests that history is made up of patterns that allow us to know our place in God‘s plan. Come this Sunday and meet the Heritage leadership and staff, and let’s explore our significance as a church at this time.
Bible Passage:
January 19, 2025

Christ Encounters: Mother of the Sons of Zebedee

Every mother wants what is best for her children. However, no matter how good the parenting, and how well children are nurtured, only God can is able to prepare them for their destinies. Let’s take a Sunday and ponder the Providence of God over our lives.
Bible Passage:
January 5, 2025

Christ Encounters: Saul, The Pharisee

Jesus reshaped Saul in a one-on-one encounter that completely change his identity. He went from being a zealous, Christ-hating pharisee to a born-again child of God. Your identity matters! How you see yourself will govern your actions and shape your purpose.
Bible Passage:
December 15, 2024

Christ Encounters: The Rich Fool

Jesus warns, “Beware of covetousness…” Jesus knew that everything you desire to possess can easily possess you. In this week’s one-on-one encounter, Jesus addresses the power of money and our daily choices that can lead to good and prosperity or evil and poverty.
Bible Passage:
December 8, 2024

Christ Encounters: Jesus and the Lawyer

A lawyer was out to test Jesus. Jesus was out to save a lawyer. Who do you think won? In today’s Great Cosmic Struggle over the souls of men, it’s to our benefit to model Jesus’ example.
Bible Passage:
November 17, 2024

Christ Encounters: Zacchaeus

Today, Christ encounters people, and their lives change. Jesus has a one-on-one encounter with a leading citizen of Jericho. He was very wealthy but very lost, until he met Jesus.
Bible Passage:
November 10, 2024

Christ Encounters: An Introduction

When Christ encountered people, they’re lives changed. One-on-one, Jesus was God’s Force for good in the lives of everyone He encountered. Is it possible for us to have the same impact on others? It’s not only possible, it’s inevitable!
Bible Passage:
November 3, 2024

A Letter to Heritage

As we summarize the “Seven Letters to Seven Churches,” let’s ponder what God would say to us if He chose to write us a letter today.
Bible Passage:
October 13, 2024

The Dead Church - The Church of Sardis

Over the last 50 years, many of us have watched the death of powerful, mega-church ministries, while other smaller churches continued to live and thrive. Does a successful church take more than a large property, big crowds, full bankrolls, powers speakers and talented music? Let’s explore why some churches die while others thrive.
Bible Passage:
September 22, 2024

The Persecuted Church - The Church of Smyrna

We all want to be faithful to God, especially if things get worse for the Church in America. God has given us the Christians in Smyrna as our examples. Let’s take a deeper dive into their faith.
Bible Passage:
September 15, 2024

First Things First - The Church of Ephesus

Churches can be great places for teaching, missions, worship and ministry, but without loving Jesus as the foremost priority, we will most certainly drift away.
Bible Passage:
September 1, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 2

God is sovereign! So, why would a good God allow evil? That’s a very good question, and asked by many in our world today. Let’s take a Sunday to explore the answer.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 25, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 1

We live in a chaotic world full of threats and uncertainties, and if anyone should be calm in the storms of life, it should be the born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Why? Because we believe in the Sovereignty of God. But what exactly does that mean?
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 18, 2024

The Restful God

Rest appeals to every human being on the planet, and our planet was created to be restful. But nature cannot provide the rest we long for. True rest is found in nature’s Creator.
Bible Passage:
No Series
July 28, 2024


An “Epitaph” is a life summarized into a simple phrase usually written on a tombstone. Both King Saul and King David were given epitaphs. Someday we will receive one, too. As we look back on this past year, what major lessons can we take away from 1 Samuel?
Bible Passage:
July 21, 2024

Worst-Best Moments

Throughout Scripture, we find the worst of circumstances brings out the best in God’s people. God uses the worst possible circumstances to bring out the best in David’s Mighty Men. God is committed to bring out the best in us, too!
Bible Passage:
July 14, 2024

Sorrow's Miracle

Sorrow. We do everything to avoid it. Ironically, it’s the instrument God uses to make us most Christlike. As we explore 1 Samuel 29-30, we discover how sorrow prepared David to be a king.
Bible Passage:
July 7, 2024

Fighting for Truth

Lies are told all the time and everywhere. Lies will be far more deceptive as we approach the end times. Can we identify a lie, and can we counter it with the Truth of Scripture? Let’s take a special Sunday and explore the nature of a lie, its consequences and effective ways to identify and defend the Truth.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 23, 2024

Lessons from the Pit

In 1 Samuel 27, David is in “the pits!” He’s tired of fighting. He’s tired of running, and seeks relief from the heartbreak and pain. He runs away from God’s people. He runs from his calling. But no matter how far he runs, he can’t run from God and His amazing grace!
Bible Passage:
June 16, 2024

God's Unwelcomed Gift

We all tend to get discouraged and lose heart, especially when you’re serving God. However, discouragement can be a good thing if we react to it according to the Word. Let’s watch how David reacted to it 1 Samuel 27. His reaction might surprise you!
Bible Passage:
June 9, 2024

Divine Irony

All of us desire more faith. Ironically, it’s often produced by unanswered prayer, or “things not (yet) seen.” King David, like most Christians, are on a quest to know God’s will, but ironically, the knowledge of His will remain elusive at times. Let’s explore divine irony in 1 Samuel 26.
Bible Passage:
May 26, 2024

Mercy Prevails

Justice is from God, while revenge is from the flesh, and often a very thin line separates the two. King David wrestles with both, justice and revenge, in a set of circumstances, if understood, fosters both wisdom and Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2024

Reckless Love

Life is risky, especially as a Christ follower, because Christ followers are trained to love others even as Jesus loved. And Jesus loved even though He knew it would hurt.
Bible Passage:
April 21, 2024

Leaving Strongholds

Life can be hurtful. Hurt can drive us to live behind walls. Like David on the run, we feel safe in strongholds. But God won’t let us stay there for long. Let’s study how God dealt with David, and prepared him to be Israel’s greatest king.
Bible Passage:
April 7, 2024

Removing Crutches

Life is short. God designed it that way. Life is also fragile with no guarantees that things will turn out the way we plan them. Ultimately, we must depend on God for all things. David was taught dependence upon God early in his preparation for greatness.
Bible Passage:
March 31, 2024

The Hope of Easter

We all need hope. Come hear three messages from three speakers on the three themes that explain the HOPE of Easter.
Bible Passage:
No Series
March 24, 2024

When Enemies Rise

Circumstances in life can quickly change. One minute you are adored by everyone, the next, you are cast aside as a deplorable. It happened to David, and it can happen to you. But one thing is for certain- You can trust God and know that He is with you no matter what circumstances convey.
Bible Passage:
March 17, 2024

Where are the Heroes?

Harvard University researcher, Peter Gibbon wrote an article, The End of Admiration, concluding that America’s greatest need today is someone to admire, an American hero. In 1 Samuel 18, David became Israel’s hero. He was admired for all the right reasons. What were the reasons? Let’s find out as we explore 1 Samuel 18.
Bible Passage:
March 3, 2024

God, Music and Demons

God… music… and demons - how are all three connected, and how do they relate to our lives today? Come find out as we take a deep dive into 1 Samuel 16.
Bible Passage:
February 18, 2024

When Leaders Fail Us

If you’ve been a Christian for a while, chances are, you either experienced and heard of the failure of a Christian leader. Is it possible to spot a bad leader or to see the failure coming? 1 Samuel 15 gives us great insights on this topic, and the keys to good leadership.
Bible Passage:
February 4, 2024

A Heart After God

What does it mean to have, “a heart after God”? What does that look like? How does a “heart after God” impact the world around it? The answer to these questions will become clear as we study 1 Samuel 14.
Bible Passage:
January 21, 2024

Celebrating 25 Years

On December 27, 1998, God birthed a church that was a part of something far bigger than itself. Join us as we journey through 25 years of American Christianity and the imperative role community churches like Heritage played in furthering the kingdom of God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 14, 2024

Final Words

Samuel gathers the people of Israel together, along with their king, and delivers four immutable truths before stepping away as their prophet. These truths are as relevant today as they were then.
Bible Passage:
December 31, 2023

Why Faith Fails

Like Saul, many Christians begin strong, live in favorable conditions and have a positive encounter with God, only to fall away. Why is this? It’s common, isn’t it? Let’s examine this phenomenon as we dig deeper into the life of Saul, king of Israel.
Bible Passage:
December 10, 2023

Who Left the Gate Open?

Does God care about the small, incidental things in my life? Does He care where I sit, what I eat, read, watch or where I sleep at night? Absolutely! In fact, ALL things are filtered through God’s hands.
Bible Passage:
December 3, 2023

Light in the Darkness

What has brought our world to a place of looming darkness? And what is certain to bring forth God’s amazing LIGHT? We will explore the Scripture with a discussion-based teaching.
Bible Passage:
No Series
November 12, 2023

Stability Amid Chaos

To paraphrase Psalm 119:105 is to say, “God’s Word helps me to navigate my life, and further, to keep me stable.” The world is full of chaos, and God’s people are full of stability. The difference? “Thy Word…”. Chaos or stability, the choice is ours.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2023

A Holy Fear

We often see the fear of God as something negative, but in reality, the fear of God is healthy for the human soul; preserves churches, communities and whole nations. As we journey through Samuel, let’s explore the fear of God and the good it eventually brings to God’s people.
Bible Passage:
October 22, 2023

Faith Perspective

Life’s circumstances can turn from bad to worse, but never are they to speak louder than God’s promise to work all things together for the “good”.
Bible Passage:
October 8, 2023

God Whispers

The obedience to speak God’s Truth in our beloved country today is more critical than ever. Join Pastor Tom as he breaks down the call of Samuel, who spoke God’s Truth to a lost nation.
Bible Passage:
September 24, 2023

Blessing or Consequence

As we honor God’s Word, He blesses our lives. But we can reject His Word and reap the consequences if we choose to. Let’s study 1 Samuel 2, and discover how the members of one household were the recipients of blessing and consequences due to their choices.
Bible Passage:
September 17, 2023

1 Samuel - An Introduction

Some may conclude, “If 1 Samuel was a movie, King David would be the main character.” But I don’t think so. I believe God is the main character, manifesting Himself in the lives of people. Certainly, you’ve heard of King David, and perhaps, Saul Jonathan or Abagail. But have you heard of Ichabod, Agag, Doeg, Achish, Nabal and many others? These are different lives, but they all encounter the same unchanging God.
Bible Passage:
September 3, 2023

Theology Matters

What you think about God regulates your “worldview”- your morals, your thoughts toward others, current behavior, and most importantly, your future. A few of us discuss a survey, “The State of Theology,” given to Evangelical Christians.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 27, 2023

Faithful Stewardship

We all want to be faithful. But left to our own efforts, we often grow weary and discouraged. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit taught to us by God. Let’s explore the subject as we conclude our series on Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
August 20, 2023

The Winnable War

Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned saint, temptation is never too far away. Jesus was tempted, and you will be also. But temptation is designed for your growth, to make you more like Jesus.
Bible Passage:
July 30, 2023


Pure-hearted worship, birthed from a holy fear of God, fosters life for individuals and nations. If we desire to live like Jesus, then let’s understand its significance.
Bible Passage:
July 23, 2023


Faithfulness, like patience, remains unseen until it’s brought to its end. Only after being brought to the depths of discouragement does faithfulness shine, and the strength of God maintains us.
Bible Passage:
July 16, 2023

Confidence in Christ

Confidence in God is the recognition that our circumstances in life are used by God to work all things together for our good.
Bible Passage:
July 9, 2023

Dependence on God

To live like Jesus is to depend on the Father as much as Jesus did and to reap the benefits from it.
Bible Passage:
June 25, 2023

A life Given

Jesus gave His life to give life. And God calls us to do the same every single day.
Bible Passage:
June 11, 2023

The Simple

esus taught simple truth, and His disciples were simple men. But “simple” does not mean, “ignorant, ill-equipped or unimaginative.” They lived their lives free of the clutter and encumbrances of the world.
Bible Passage:
June 4, 2023

The Way of Rest

Jesus said, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Could Jesus rest in the middle of a storm? Sounds impossible, but it’s true.
Bible Passage:
May 28, 2023


Throughout all of human history, no one changed the world more than the disciples of Jesus. Their influences, however, were not due to who they were, but Who they were with. They were CHRISTLIKE- They emulated Jesus.
Bible Passage:
May 14, 2023

Best-Laid Plans

The Apostle Paul had a plan. I have a plan. I think we all make plans for our future. But plans change, too. Why? Various reasons. But in our changing world, we can be assured, “A man’s heart plans his ways but the LORD directs his steps.” Come this Sunday and let’s glean from the life of Paul and his example of God’s divine guidance.
Bible Passage:
May 7, 2023

Ambassadors of Hope

Satan torments people; chains them in dark places, and leaves them hopeless. But we bear the light of hope; the gospel of forgiveness and the saving grace of Jesus. Our message reflects our titles, “Ambassadors of Hope.”
Bible Passage:
April 23, 2023

Troublesome Trivia

Trouble is no stranger to a thriving church. Forces of darkness attempt to stumble, mislead or distract believers. But as we discover in Romans 14, Paul nurtures the unity of the faith on unshakable foundations.
Bible Passage:
April 9, 2023

Resurrection Life

Life is full of challenges. But for the Christian, there is the hope of knowing he is not alone. God helps him in his “mortal body,” and more, fills Him with Resurrection Life.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
April 2, 2023

The Passion

One definition of, “Passion” is, “Suffer, or to have sorrow.” Jesus is our Comforter and further, our Example when it comes to the sorrows of life. Pastor Tom drives into Passion Week, the Character of Jesus and the model we are to follow.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
March 19, 2023

Overcoming Evil With Good

The world is full of evil, you agree? But evil fades in the presence of good, just as darkness fades in the presence of light. “Being about your Father’s business,” is letting your light shine in dark places.
Bible Passage:
March 12, 2023

A Life Given

The person placed in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the most revered soldier in America. He had to meet three requirements: He was militarily trained. He gave his life in battle. He never made a name for himself. Sounds like a lot of Christians I’ve known.
Bible Passage:
March 5, 2023

The Mercy Mystery

God keeps many things a mystery, but one thing He makes crystal clear- His unlimited mercy upon all those with humble, contrite hearts. Pastor Tom explores the “Mercy Mystery” and concludes Romans 11.
Bible Passage:
February 19, 2023

Good Treasure

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English language is made up of 171,146 different words, and the use of words can bring forth death or life; evil things and good treasure. Romans 10 speaks of the “Good Treasure”.
Bible Passage:
February 5, 2023

Simplicity of Faith

The natural default of man is to go the way of his own self-destruction, but God, Who is rich in mercy, plants the seeds of revival to turn him back to his Creator. Simple faith in the power of the Gospel keeps a man in perfect peace as he contemplates the future.
Bible Passage:
January 29, 2023

Vessels of Mercy

God draws people to Himself, but sometimes those whom He draws don’t look or act the way we think they should. If God was to bring revival, would we be ready to receive the broken and disenfranchised of this world? Paul speaks wisdom to his fellow Jews that needs to be heard today.
Bible Passage:
January 22, 2023

Repairer of the Breach - Annual Review

God uses His church to repair the lives of those breached and broken by this world. As a body of believers, we introduce people to Jesus and watch Him restore what has been broken down. With unity, purpose and focus, let’s ponder our mission as we consider the fruit of 2022 and the vision for 2023.
Bible Passage:
January 8, 2023

Mindset for 2023

Greek philosopher, Epictetus once said, “You become what you give your attention to.” There exists no greater way to improve your life and the lives of those around you than to give your full attention to Jesus.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 1, 2023

New Year's Resolution

Traditionally, many Americans begin a new year with a resolution, a promise, if kept, helps them live a better life. Are you planning to make a “New Year’s Resolution”? Do you want some counsel from Scripture?
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 11, 2022


Jesus was the ultimate outsider. He came against popular people and ideas, and ultimately, was crucified for it. Jesus also taught, “If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you.” Are you okay with that?
Bible Passage:
November 27, 2022

Reassuring Sovereignty

Do I believe because I am chosen by God, or am I chosen because I believe? This question causes contention with some and great comfort to others.
Bible Passage:
November 6, 2022

Marinated in Spirit

The Holy Spirit brings light to a dark world. The Holy Spirit uses you to do it. Ordinary people make the difference between life from death; good from evil, or freedom from bondage. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit Who works through you to bless the world around you.
Bible Passage:
October 30, 2022

The Miracle of Life Change

The principal role of the Holy Spirit is the conform us into the image of Christ. Obviously, it’s a process, and as long as you belong to Christ, the process is ongoing! The process is easier for some, and harder for others. What’s the difference?
Bible Passage:
October 9, 2022


We are all slaves to something, but to what or to whom, determines our true freedom. Paul encourages us to, “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)
Bible Passage:
October 2, 2022

Newness of Life

Do you know the difference between “Justification” and “Sanctification”? One sets you free from the penalty of sin and the other from the power of sin. With one, sin is pardoned; with the other, sin is subdued. One has everything to do with salvation, and the other with discipleship.
Bible Passage:
September 18, 2022

Unanswered Prayer

“What good is unanswered prayer?” Much in every way, but the flesh never likes waiting. Could it be that the benefits of today’s waiting are far greater than tomorrow’s answered prayer?
Bible Passage:
September 11, 2022

Greatest Run-On Sentence Ever

“Paul’s a poor communicator!” some thought. “His letters are weighty… and his speech contemptible” (2 Corinthians 10:10). But his critics failed to recognize that TRUTH can be weighty and contemptible. Paul is the king of the run-on sentence, but he’s also the champion of Truth! Some believe this single run-on sentence is perhaps the greatest sentence ever written. Come find out why this Sunday as Pastor Tom continues through the Book of Romans.
Bible Passage:
August 28, 2022

Second Chances

Everyone makes mistakes; says something he shouldn’t or in anger, reacts and later regrets it. And everyone who calls himself a Christian practices forgiveness. We offer second chances, don’t we? We release wrongdoers from guilt and help redirect their lives with mercy and grace.
Bible Passage:
August 21, 2022

His Final Masterpiece

God is our Creator, Maker and Maintainer of both life and faith. As such, what is His final goal for us? According to Paul, it’s “being transformed into the same image...” So, what does that look like?
Bible Passage:
July 24, 2022


The blind man… No one could have been worse off! He lived without sight, without family, community or mercy, and worst of all- He lived without HOPE. But then, Jesus came along and changed everything! So many people live blind, but redemption is only a decision away!
Bible Passage:
July 3, 2022

From Wisdom to Folly

Without Jesus, wisdom can quickly become folly. King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, only to grow old and live a life of vanity and folly!
Bible Passage:
June 26, 2022

The Principal Thing

“Wisdom.” King David is quoted by Solomon, defining wisdom as, “the principal thing”, meaning, “Foundational, something by which all else rests steadfast; essential and absolutely necessary to help us navigate through life. How do I get wisdom? How will it benefit me, and why does God put such priority on it?
Bible Passage:
June 12, 2022

Crushed and Remade

“You are the Potter; I am the clay…”. These are the lyrics to a modern Christian song that speak of God as our Master Craftsman. As the clay, no one minds the Father remaking him, but before that can happen, clay has to be crushed… and no one likes that!
Bible Passage:
June 5, 2022

The Master Craftsman - An Introduction

Thirteenth-century Theologian, Thomas Aquinas, challenged himself with three questions: What is my purpose? How am I to succeed? Why was I born at this time in history? We are born not knowing the answers to these questions, but we are born to know our Creator. And the closer we are to God, the more we come to know the answers to all of life’s questions.
Bible Passage:
May 15, 2022

God's Great Reveal

When God speaks, Light overcomes darkness; order prevails over chaos and peace takes the place of fear. As it was at Creation itself, so it is today with every human soul who seeks his Creator. God speaks and reveals Himself, and His love conquers all of life’s fears.
Bible Passage:
May 8, 2022

A Mother's Influence

A battle rages over the hearts and minds of our children today. Public schools, the entertainment industry and politics, together, undermine the traditional values that have protected our children. But nothing is more powerful than a mother’s influence! Mothers, take courage, as we look into the Scriptures and explore the God-induced power of “Mom”.
Bible Passage:
Mother's Day
May 1, 2022

Is God Judgmental?

Paul writes, “…The goodness of God leads us to repentance.” But not enablement! What’s the difference? Come find out as Pastor Tom breaks down Romans 2:1-11.
Bible Passage:
April 24, 2022

The More You Know

Years ago, NBC ran a public broadcast entitled, “The More You Know”. Remember it? It promoted education with an assumption, “The more you know, the better off you are!” Generally, most would agree with that, but it all depends on what you want to know! Come listen to the knowledge that lured the Romans in the 1 st Century, and how it’s not much different from what lures us today.
Bible Passage:
April 17, 2022

Resurrection's Hope

No matter how bad you might think the world is today; no matter the burdens you carry, the uncertainty you undergo or pain you suffer, Christ’s Resurrection triumphs over it all with the assurance that God is with you, and your best days are yet to come.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2022
March 27, 2022

Wait, Watch, Walk

“The just shall live by faith.” This short, little sentence spoke powerfully to people in Hubakkuk’s day; it spoke powerfully to people in Paul’s day, and it will speak powerfully to us in our day!
Bible Passage:
March 6, 2022

Rising Above the Trauma

Anxiety, chronic sadness, fear or anger can result from a world addicted to “bad news”. The messages of today invade the peace of even the strongest Christian. However, Paul models a Christlike mindset to the Romans that allows us to rise above the trauma of today’s world.
Bible Passage:
February 20, 2022

Overwhelmed...But God

Are you feeling underwater and overwhelmed by uncontrollable forces in life? Would it surprise you to know that Paul’s greatest accomplishments, including the writing of Romans, occurred when he felt the most inadequate? Let’s explore the man behind the letter and make sense as to why God allows us to be the most overwhelmed at the most inconvenient times.
Bible Passage:
January 30, 2022

Called Forth

The Book of Romans was written during a pivotal moment in the Early Church. Only a miracle would save the Church from disappearing entirely. But Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Jesus is still building, right? And as it was in the Early Church, today Romans continues to be foundational for our personal faith, and further, for the advancement of the Body of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 16, 2022

2022 Vision Sunday

In a world of increasing threats and worldly pressure, this is God’s description of His people. Throughout 2021, Heritage has been no stranger to threats and worldly pressure, but have we lived up to the prophet’s description? We will recap 2021 and look at our vision for 2022.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 9, 2022

The Beauty of Simplicity

The Hallmark word of 2022 is, “Simplicity”. Routinely, Jesus took what was confusing and complex and made it simple to understand. In fact, that’s the hallmark of a great teacher.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 26, 2021

From Good to Great

What’s the difference between a “good” church and a “great” church? What’s the difference between a good Christian and a great Christian? Most believers would have a lot to say about that. Whole books and ministries are dedicated to the subject. So, how would you answer? The Apostle Paul answers both questions with one simple word.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 5, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 2

Why does living and working for the Lord matter now? How will we be rewarded? What will heaven look like? Will we work and have purpose in heaven? What will we look like? Will we know each other? What kind of relationships will we have?
Bible Passage:
November 28, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 1

God has future plans for His Church. So, what will heaven be like for us? Will we recognize places and people? Will heaven have any similarities to our present world? Will we have a purpose? What will we be like?
Bible Passage:
November 14, 2021

The Church - From the Beginning to the End

Are we nearing the Last Days? Will we face persecution? I’m not so worried about myself, but what about our children? How will God care for His Church? Let’s explore the Scripture and understand God’s love and care for His people, especially in the Last Days.
Bible Passage:
November 7, 2021

Sacrifice of Praise

[This world is a broken place] “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15 The Bible is full of incredible miracles that often took place during dark moments. And the darker the moment, the greater the miracle. Great moments and great miracles follow those who put their trust in God.
Bible Passage:
October 31, 2021

The Day That Changed Everything

After the Book of Acts, the greatest day in human history occurred exactly 504 years ago from this Sunday.
Bible Passage:
February 9, 2025

Christ Encounters: A Favored Family - Martha

Jesus loved hanging out at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Why was that? And why was something tragic about to happen on Jesus’ watch?
Bible Passage:
January 26, 2025

Our Time in History

History repeats itself. Solomon suggests that history is made up of patterns that allow us to know our place in God‘s plan. Come this Sunday and meet the Heritage leadership and staff, and let’s explore our significance as a church at this time.
Bible Passage:
January 19, 2025

Christ Encounters: Mother of the Sons of Zebedee

Every mother wants what is best for her children. However, no matter how good the parenting, and how well children are nurtured, only God can is able to prepare them for their destinies. Let’s take a Sunday and ponder the Providence of God over our lives.
Bible Passage:
January 5, 2025

Christ Encounters: Saul, The Pharisee

Jesus reshaped Saul in a one-on-one encounter that completely change his identity. He went from being a zealous, Christ-hating pharisee to a born-again child of God. Your identity matters! How you see yourself will govern your actions and shape your purpose.
Bible Passage:
December 15, 2024

Christ Encounters: The Rich Fool

Jesus warns, “Beware of covetousness…” Jesus knew that everything you desire to possess can easily possess you. In this week’s one-on-one encounter, Jesus addresses the power of money and our daily choices that can lead to good and prosperity or evil and poverty.
Bible Passage:
December 8, 2024

Christ Encounters: Jesus and the Lawyer

A lawyer was out to test Jesus. Jesus was out to save a lawyer. Who do you think won? In today’s Great Cosmic Struggle over the souls of men, it’s to our benefit to model Jesus’ example.
Bible Passage:
November 17, 2024

Christ Encounters: Zacchaeus

Today, Christ encounters people, and their lives change. Jesus has a one-on-one encounter with a leading citizen of Jericho. He was very wealthy but very lost, until he met Jesus.
Bible Passage:
November 10, 2024

Christ Encounters: An Introduction

When Christ encountered people, they’re lives changed. One-on-one, Jesus was God’s Force for good in the lives of everyone He encountered. Is it possible for us to have the same impact on others? It’s not only possible, it’s inevitable!
Bible Passage:
November 3, 2024

A Letter to Heritage

As we summarize the “Seven Letters to Seven Churches,” let’s ponder what God would say to us if He chose to write us a letter today.
Bible Passage:
October 13, 2024

The Dead Church - The Church of Sardis

Over the last 50 years, many of us have watched the death of powerful, mega-church ministries, while other smaller churches continued to live and thrive. Does a successful church take more than a large property, big crowds, full bankrolls, powers speakers and talented music? Let’s explore why some churches die while others thrive.
Bible Passage:
September 22, 2024

The Persecuted Church - The Church of Smyrna

We all want to be faithful to God, especially if things get worse for the Church in America. God has given us the Christians in Smyrna as our examples. Let’s take a deeper dive into their faith.
Bible Passage:
September 15, 2024

First Things First - The Church of Ephesus

Churches can be great places for teaching, missions, worship and ministry, but without loving Jesus as the foremost priority, we will most certainly drift away.
Bible Passage:
September 1, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 2

God is sovereign! So, why would a good God allow evil? That’s a very good question, and asked by many in our world today. Let’s take a Sunday to explore the answer.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 25, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 1

We live in a chaotic world full of threats and uncertainties, and if anyone should be calm in the storms of life, it should be the born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Why? Because we believe in the Sovereignty of God. But what exactly does that mean?
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 18, 2024

The Restful God

Rest appeals to every human being on the planet, and our planet was created to be restful. But nature cannot provide the rest we long for. True rest is found in nature’s Creator.
Bible Passage:
No Series
July 28, 2024


An “Epitaph” is a life summarized into a simple phrase usually written on a tombstone. Both King Saul and King David were given epitaphs. Someday we will receive one, too. As we look back on this past year, what major lessons can we take away from 1 Samuel?
Bible Passage:
July 21, 2024

Worst-Best Moments

Throughout Scripture, we find the worst of circumstances brings out the best in God’s people. God uses the worst possible circumstances to bring out the best in David’s Mighty Men. God is committed to bring out the best in us, too!
Bible Passage:
July 14, 2024

Sorrow's Miracle

Sorrow. We do everything to avoid it. Ironically, it’s the instrument God uses to make us most Christlike. As we explore 1 Samuel 29-30, we discover how sorrow prepared David to be a king.
Bible Passage:
July 7, 2024

Fighting for Truth

Lies are told all the time and everywhere. Lies will be far more deceptive as we approach the end times. Can we identify a lie, and can we counter it with the Truth of Scripture? Let’s take a special Sunday and explore the nature of a lie, its consequences and effective ways to identify and defend the Truth.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 23, 2024

Lessons from the Pit

In 1 Samuel 27, David is in “the pits!” He’s tired of fighting. He’s tired of running, and seeks relief from the heartbreak and pain. He runs away from God’s people. He runs from his calling. But no matter how far he runs, he can’t run from God and His amazing grace!
Bible Passage:
June 16, 2024

God's Unwelcomed Gift

We all tend to get discouraged and lose heart, especially when you’re serving God. However, discouragement can be a good thing if we react to it according to the Word. Let’s watch how David reacted to it 1 Samuel 27. His reaction might surprise you!
Bible Passage:
June 9, 2024

Divine Irony

All of us desire more faith. Ironically, it’s often produced by unanswered prayer, or “things not (yet) seen.” King David, like most Christians, are on a quest to know God’s will, but ironically, the knowledge of His will remain elusive at times. Let’s explore divine irony in 1 Samuel 26.
Bible Passage:
May 26, 2024

Mercy Prevails

Justice is from God, while revenge is from the flesh, and often a very thin line separates the two. King David wrestles with both, justice and revenge, in a set of circumstances, if understood, fosters both wisdom and Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2024

Reckless Love

Life is risky, especially as a Christ follower, because Christ followers are trained to love others even as Jesus loved. And Jesus loved even though He knew it would hurt.
Bible Passage:
April 21, 2024

Leaving Strongholds

Life can be hurtful. Hurt can drive us to live behind walls. Like David on the run, we feel safe in strongholds. But God won’t let us stay there for long. Let’s study how God dealt with David, and prepared him to be Israel’s greatest king.
Bible Passage:
April 7, 2024

Removing Crutches

Life is short. God designed it that way. Life is also fragile with no guarantees that things will turn out the way we plan them. Ultimately, we must depend on God for all things. David was taught dependence upon God early in his preparation for greatness.
Bible Passage:
March 31, 2024

The Hope of Easter

We all need hope. Come hear three messages from three speakers on the three themes that explain the HOPE of Easter.
Bible Passage:
No Series
March 24, 2024

When Enemies Rise

Circumstances in life can quickly change. One minute you are adored by everyone, the next, you are cast aside as a deplorable. It happened to David, and it can happen to you. But one thing is for certain- You can trust God and know that He is with you no matter what circumstances convey.
Bible Passage:
March 17, 2024

Where are the Heroes?

Harvard University researcher, Peter Gibbon wrote an article, The End of Admiration, concluding that America’s greatest need today is someone to admire, an American hero. In 1 Samuel 18, David became Israel’s hero. He was admired for all the right reasons. What were the reasons? Let’s find out as we explore 1 Samuel 18.
Bible Passage:
March 3, 2024

God, Music and Demons

God… music… and demons - how are all three connected, and how do they relate to our lives today? Come find out as we take a deep dive into 1 Samuel 16.
Bible Passage:
February 18, 2024

When Leaders Fail Us

If you’ve been a Christian for a while, chances are, you either experienced and heard of the failure of a Christian leader. Is it possible to spot a bad leader or to see the failure coming? 1 Samuel 15 gives us great insights on this topic, and the keys to good leadership.
Bible Passage:
February 4, 2024

A Heart After God

What does it mean to have, “a heart after God”? What does that look like? How does a “heart after God” impact the world around it? The answer to these questions will become clear as we study 1 Samuel 14.
Bible Passage:
January 21, 2024

Celebrating 25 Years

On December 27, 1998, God birthed a church that was a part of something far bigger than itself. Join us as we journey through 25 years of American Christianity and the imperative role community churches like Heritage played in furthering the kingdom of God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 14, 2024

Final Words

Samuel gathers the people of Israel together, along with their king, and delivers four immutable truths before stepping away as their prophet. These truths are as relevant today as they were then.
Bible Passage:
December 31, 2023

Why Faith Fails

Like Saul, many Christians begin strong, live in favorable conditions and have a positive encounter with God, only to fall away. Why is this? It’s common, isn’t it? Let’s examine this phenomenon as we dig deeper into the life of Saul, king of Israel.
Bible Passage:
December 10, 2023

Who Left the Gate Open?

Does God care about the small, incidental things in my life? Does He care where I sit, what I eat, read, watch or where I sleep at night? Absolutely! In fact, ALL things are filtered through God’s hands.
Bible Passage:
December 3, 2023

Light in the Darkness

What has brought our world to a place of looming darkness? And what is certain to bring forth God’s amazing LIGHT? We will explore the Scripture with a discussion-based teaching.
Bible Passage:
No Series
November 12, 2023

Stability Amid Chaos

To paraphrase Psalm 119:105 is to say, “God’s Word helps me to navigate my life, and further, to keep me stable.” The world is full of chaos, and God’s people are full of stability. The difference? “Thy Word…”. Chaos or stability, the choice is ours.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2023

A Holy Fear

We often see the fear of God as something negative, but in reality, the fear of God is healthy for the human soul; preserves churches, communities and whole nations. As we journey through Samuel, let’s explore the fear of God and the good it eventually brings to God’s people.
Bible Passage:
October 22, 2023

Faith Perspective

Life’s circumstances can turn from bad to worse, but never are they to speak louder than God’s promise to work all things together for the “good”.
Bible Passage:
October 8, 2023

God Whispers

The obedience to speak God’s Truth in our beloved country today is more critical than ever. Join Pastor Tom as he breaks down the call of Samuel, who spoke God’s Truth to a lost nation.
Bible Passage:
September 24, 2023

Blessing or Consequence

As we honor God’s Word, He blesses our lives. But we can reject His Word and reap the consequences if we choose to. Let’s study 1 Samuel 2, and discover how the members of one household were the recipients of blessing and consequences due to their choices.
Bible Passage:
September 17, 2023

1 Samuel - An Introduction

Some may conclude, “If 1 Samuel was a movie, King David would be the main character.” But I don’t think so. I believe God is the main character, manifesting Himself in the lives of people. Certainly, you’ve heard of King David, and perhaps, Saul Jonathan or Abagail. But have you heard of Ichabod, Agag, Doeg, Achish, Nabal and many others? These are different lives, but they all encounter the same unchanging God.
Bible Passage:
September 3, 2023

Theology Matters

What you think about God regulates your “worldview”- your morals, your thoughts toward others, current behavior, and most importantly, your future. A few of us discuss a survey, “The State of Theology,” given to Evangelical Christians.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 27, 2023

Faithful Stewardship

We all want to be faithful. But left to our own efforts, we often grow weary and discouraged. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit taught to us by God. Let’s explore the subject as we conclude our series on Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
August 20, 2023

The Winnable War

Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned saint, temptation is never too far away. Jesus was tempted, and you will be also. But temptation is designed for your growth, to make you more like Jesus.
Bible Passage:
July 30, 2023


Pure-hearted worship, birthed from a holy fear of God, fosters life for individuals and nations. If we desire to live like Jesus, then let’s understand its significance.
Bible Passage:
July 23, 2023


Faithfulness, like patience, remains unseen until it’s brought to its end. Only after being brought to the depths of discouragement does faithfulness shine, and the strength of God maintains us.
Bible Passage:
July 16, 2023

Confidence in Christ

Confidence in God is the recognition that our circumstances in life are used by God to work all things together for our good.
Bible Passage:
July 9, 2023

Dependence on God

To live like Jesus is to depend on the Father as much as Jesus did and to reap the benefits from it.
Bible Passage:
June 25, 2023

A life Given

Jesus gave His life to give life. And God calls us to do the same every single day.
Bible Passage:
June 11, 2023

The Simple

esus taught simple truth, and His disciples were simple men. But “simple” does not mean, “ignorant, ill-equipped or unimaginative.” They lived their lives free of the clutter and encumbrances of the world.
Bible Passage:
June 4, 2023

The Way of Rest

Jesus said, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Could Jesus rest in the middle of a storm? Sounds impossible, but it’s true.
Bible Passage:
May 28, 2023


Throughout all of human history, no one changed the world more than the disciples of Jesus. Their influences, however, were not due to who they were, but Who they were with. They were CHRISTLIKE- They emulated Jesus.
Bible Passage:
May 14, 2023

Best-Laid Plans

The Apostle Paul had a plan. I have a plan. I think we all make plans for our future. But plans change, too. Why? Various reasons. But in our changing world, we can be assured, “A man’s heart plans his ways but the LORD directs his steps.” Come this Sunday and let’s glean from the life of Paul and his example of God’s divine guidance.
Bible Passage:
May 7, 2023

Ambassadors of Hope

Satan torments people; chains them in dark places, and leaves them hopeless. But we bear the light of hope; the gospel of forgiveness and the saving grace of Jesus. Our message reflects our titles, “Ambassadors of Hope.”
Bible Passage:
April 23, 2023

Troublesome Trivia

Trouble is no stranger to a thriving church. Forces of darkness attempt to stumble, mislead or distract believers. But as we discover in Romans 14, Paul nurtures the unity of the faith on unshakable foundations.
Bible Passage:
April 9, 2023

Resurrection Life

Life is full of challenges. But for the Christian, there is the hope of knowing he is not alone. God helps him in his “mortal body,” and more, fills Him with Resurrection Life.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
April 2, 2023

The Passion

One definition of, “Passion” is, “Suffer, or to have sorrow.” Jesus is our Comforter and further, our Example when it comes to the sorrows of life. Pastor Tom drives into Passion Week, the Character of Jesus and the model we are to follow.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
March 19, 2023

Overcoming Evil With Good

The world is full of evil, you agree? But evil fades in the presence of good, just as darkness fades in the presence of light. “Being about your Father’s business,” is letting your light shine in dark places.
Bible Passage:
March 12, 2023

A Life Given

The person placed in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the most revered soldier in America. He had to meet three requirements: He was militarily trained. He gave his life in battle. He never made a name for himself. Sounds like a lot of Christians I’ve known.
Bible Passage:
March 5, 2023

The Mercy Mystery

God keeps many things a mystery, but one thing He makes crystal clear- His unlimited mercy upon all those with humble, contrite hearts. Pastor Tom explores the “Mercy Mystery” and concludes Romans 11.
Bible Passage:
February 19, 2023

Good Treasure

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English language is made up of 171,146 different words, and the use of words can bring forth death or life; evil things and good treasure. Romans 10 speaks of the “Good Treasure”.
Bible Passage:
February 5, 2023

Simplicity of Faith

The natural default of man is to go the way of his own self-destruction, but God, Who is rich in mercy, plants the seeds of revival to turn him back to his Creator. Simple faith in the power of the Gospel keeps a man in perfect peace as he contemplates the future.
Bible Passage:
January 29, 2023

Vessels of Mercy

God draws people to Himself, but sometimes those whom He draws don’t look or act the way we think they should. If God was to bring revival, would we be ready to receive the broken and disenfranchised of this world? Paul speaks wisdom to his fellow Jews that needs to be heard today.
Bible Passage:
January 22, 2023

Repairer of the Breach - Annual Review

God uses His church to repair the lives of those breached and broken by this world. As a body of believers, we introduce people to Jesus and watch Him restore what has been broken down. With unity, purpose and focus, let’s ponder our mission as we consider the fruit of 2022 and the vision for 2023.
Bible Passage:
January 8, 2023

Mindset for 2023

Greek philosopher, Epictetus once said, “You become what you give your attention to.” There exists no greater way to improve your life and the lives of those around you than to give your full attention to Jesus.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 1, 2023

New Year's Resolution

Traditionally, many Americans begin a new year with a resolution, a promise, if kept, helps them live a better life. Are you planning to make a “New Year’s Resolution”? Do you want some counsel from Scripture?
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 11, 2022


Jesus was the ultimate outsider. He came against popular people and ideas, and ultimately, was crucified for it. Jesus also taught, “If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you.” Are you okay with that?
Bible Passage:
November 27, 2022

Reassuring Sovereignty

Do I believe because I am chosen by God, or am I chosen because I believe? This question causes contention with some and great comfort to others.
Bible Passage:
November 6, 2022

Marinated in Spirit

The Holy Spirit brings light to a dark world. The Holy Spirit uses you to do it. Ordinary people make the difference between life from death; good from evil, or freedom from bondage. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit Who works through you to bless the world around you.
Bible Passage:
October 30, 2022

The Miracle of Life Change

The principal role of the Holy Spirit is the conform us into the image of Christ. Obviously, it’s a process, and as long as you belong to Christ, the process is ongoing! The process is easier for some, and harder for others. What’s the difference?
Bible Passage:
October 9, 2022


We are all slaves to something, but to what or to whom, determines our true freedom. Paul encourages us to, “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)
Bible Passage:
October 2, 2022

Newness of Life

Do you know the difference between “Justification” and “Sanctification”? One sets you free from the penalty of sin and the other from the power of sin. With one, sin is pardoned; with the other, sin is subdued. One has everything to do with salvation, and the other with discipleship.
Bible Passage:
September 18, 2022

Unanswered Prayer

“What good is unanswered prayer?” Much in every way, but the flesh never likes waiting. Could it be that the benefits of today’s waiting are far greater than tomorrow’s answered prayer?
Bible Passage:
September 11, 2022

Greatest Run-On Sentence Ever

“Paul’s a poor communicator!” some thought. “His letters are weighty… and his speech contemptible” (2 Corinthians 10:10). But his critics failed to recognize that TRUTH can be weighty and contemptible. Paul is the king of the run-on sentence, but he’s also the champion of Truth! Some believe this single run-on sentence is perhaps the greatest sentence ever written. Come find out why this Sunday as Pastor Tom continues through the Book of Romans.
Bible Passage:
August 28, 2022

Second Chances

Everyone makes mistakes; says something he shouldn’t or in anger, reacts and later regrets it. And everyone who calls himself a Christian practices forgiveness. We offer second chances, don’t we? We release wrongdoers from guilt and help redirect their lives with mercy and grace.
Bible Passage:
August 21, 2022

His Final Masterpiece

God is our Creator, Maker and Maintainer of both life and faith. As such, what is His final goal for us? According to Paul, it’s “being transformed into the same image...” So, what does that look like?
Bible Passage:
July 24, 2022


The blind man… No one could have been worse off! He lived without sight, without family, community or mercy, and worst of all- He lived without HOPE. But then, Jesus came along and changed everything! So many people live blind, but redemption is only a decision away!
Bible Passage:
July 3, 2022

From Wisdom to Folly

Without Jesus, wisdom can quickly become folly. King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, only to grow old and live a life of vanity and folly!
Bible Passage:
June 26, 2022

The Principal Thing

“Wisdom.” King David is quoted by Solomon, defining wisdom as, “the principal thing”, meaning, “Foundational, something by which all else rests steadfast; essential and absolutely necessary to help us navigate through life. How do I get wisdom? How will it benefit me, and why does God put such priority on it?
Bible Passage:
June 12, 2022

Crushed and Remade

“You are the Potter; I am the clay…”. These are the lyrics to a modern Christian song that speak of God as our Master Craftsman. As the clay, no one minds the Father remaking him, but before that can happen, clay has to be crushed… and no one likes that!
Bible Passage:
June 5, 2022

The Master Craftsman - An Introduction

Thirteenth-century Theologian, Thomas Aquinas, challenged himself with three questions: What is my purpose? How am I to succeed? Why was I born at this time in history? We are born not knowing the answers to these questions, but we are born to know our Creator. And the closer we are to God, the more we come to know the answers to all of life’s questions.
Bible Passage:
May 15, 2022

God's Great Reveal

When God speaks, Light overcomes darkness; order prevails over chaos and peace takes the place of fear. As it was at Creation itself, so it is today with every human soul who seeks his Creator. God speaks and reveals Himself, and His love conquers all of life’s fears.
Bible Passage:
May 8, 2022

A Mother's Influence

A battle rages over the hearts and minds of our children today. Public schools, the entertainment industry and politics, together, undermine the traditional values that have protected our children. But nothing is more powerful than a mother’s influence! Mothers, take courage, as we look into the Scriptures and explore the God-induced power of “Mom”.
Bible Passage:
Mother's Day
May 1, 2022

Is God Judgmental?

Paul writes, “…The goodness of God leads us to repentance.” But not enablement! What’s the difference? Come find out as Pastor Tom breaks down Romans 2:1-11.
Bible Passage:
April 24, 2022

The More You Know

Years ago, NBC ran a public broadcast entitled, “The More You Know”. Remember it? It promoted education with an assumption, “The more you know, the better off you are!” Generally, most would agree with that, but it all depends on what you want to know! Come listen to the knowledge that lured the Romans in the 1 st Century, and how it’s not much different from what lures us today.
Bible Passage:
April 17, 2022

Resurrection's Hope

No matter how bad you might think the world is today; no matter the burdens you carry, the uncertainty you undergo or pain you suffer, Christ’s Resurrection triumphs over it all with the assurance that God is with you, and your best days are yet to come.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2022
March 27, 2022

Wait, Watch, Walk

“The just shall live by faith.” This short, little sentence spoke powerfully to people in Hubakkuk’s day; it spoke powerfully to people in Paul’s day, and it will speak powerfully to us in our day!
Bible Passage:
March 6, 2022

Rising Above the Trauma

Anxiety, chronic sadness, fear or anger can result from a world addicted to “bad news”. The messages of today invade the peace of even the strongest Christian. However, Paul models a Christlike mindset to the Romans that allows us to rise above the trauma of today’s world.
Bible Passage:
February 20, 2022

Overwhelmed...But God

Are you feeling underwater and overwhelmed by uncontrollable forces in life? Would it surprise you to know that Paul’s greatest accomplishments, including the writing of Romans, occurred when he felt the most inadequate? Let’s explore the man behind the letter and make sense as to why God allows us to be the most overwhelmed at the most inconvenient times.
Bible Passage:
January 30, 2022

Called Forth

The Book of Romans was written during a pivotal moment in the Early Church. Only a miracle would save the Church from disappearing entirely. But Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Jesus is still building, right? And as it was in the Early Church, today Romans continues to be foundational for our personal faith, and further, for the advancement of the Body of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 16, 2022

2022 Vision Sunday

In a world of increasing threats and worldly pressure, this is God’s description of His people. Throughout 2021, Heritage has been no stranger to threats and worldly pressure, but have we lived up to the prophet’s description? We will recap 2021 and look at our vision for 2022.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 9, 2022

The Beauty of Simplicity

The Hallmark word of 2022 is, “Simplicity”. Routinely, Jesus took what was confusing and complex and made it simple to understand. In fact, that’s the hallmark of a great teacher.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 26, 2021

From Good to Great

What’s the difference between a “good” church and a “great” church? What’s the difference between a good Christian and a great Christian? Most believers would have a lot to say about that. Whole books and ministries are dedicated to the subject. So, how would you answer? The Apostle Paul answers both questions with one simple word.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 5, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 2

Why does living and working for the Lord matter now? How will we be rewarded? What will heaven look like? Will we work and have purpose in heaven? What will we look like? Will we know each other? What kind of relationships will we have?
Bible Passage:
November 28, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 1

God has future plans for His Church. So, what will heaven be like for us? Will we recognize places and people? Will heaven have any similarities to our present world? Will we have a purpose? What will we be like?
Bible Passage:
November 14, 2021

The Church - From the Beginning to the End

Are we nearing the Last Days? Will we face persecution? I’m not so worried about myself, but what about our children? How will God care for His Church? Let’s explore the Scripture and understand God’s love and care for His people, especially in the Last Days.
Bible Passage:
November 7, 2021

Sacrifice of Praise

[This world is a broken place] “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15 The Bible is full of incredible miracles that often took place during dark moments. And the darker the moment, the greater the miracle. Great moments and great miracles follow those who put their trust in God.
Bible Passage:
October 31, 2021

The Day That Changed Everything

After the Book of Acts, the greatest day in human history occurred exactly 504 years ago from this Sunday.
Bible Passage:
February 9, 2025

Christ Encounters: A Favored Family - Martha

Jesus loved hanging out at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Why was that? And why was something tragic about to happen on Jesus’ watch?
Bible Passage:
January 26, 2025

Our Time in History

History repeats itself. Solomon suggests that history is made up of patterns that allow us to know our place in God‘s plan. Come this Sunday and meet the Heritage leadership and staff, and let’s explore our significance as a church at this time.
Bible Passage:
January 19, 2025

Christ Encounters: Mother of the Sons of Zebedee

Every mother wants what is best for her children. However, no matter how good the parenting, and how well children are nurtured, only God can is able to prepare them for their destinies. Let’s take a Sunday and ponder the Providence of God over our lives.
Bible Passage:
January 5, 2025

Christ Encounters: Saul, The Pharisee

Jesus reshaped Saul in a one-on-one encounter that completely change his identity. He went from being a zealous, Christ-hating pharisee to a born-again child of God. Your identity matters! How you see yourself will govern your actions and shape your purpose.
Bible Passage:
December 15, 2024

Christ Encounters: The Rich Fool

Jesus warns, “Beware of covetousness…” Jesus knew that everything you desire to possess can easily possess you. In this week’s one-on-one encounter, Jesus addresses the power of money and our daily choices that can lead to good and prosperity or evil and poverty.
Bible Passage:
December 8, 2024

Christ Encounters: Jesus and the Lawyer

A lawyer was out to test Jesus. Jesus was out to save a lawyer. Who do you think won? In today’s Great Cosmic Struggle over the souls of men, it’s to our benefit to model Jesus’ example.
Bible Passage:
November 17, 2024

Christ Encounters: Zacchaeus

Today, Christ encounters people, and their lives change. Jesus has a one-on-one encounter with a leading citizen of Jericho. He was very wealthy but very lost, until he met Jesus.
Bible Passage:
November 10, 2024

Christ Encounters: An Introduction

When Christ encountered people, they’re lives changed. One-on-one, Jesus was God’s Force for good in the lives of everyone He encountered. Is it possible for us to have the same impact on others? It’s not only possible, it’s inevitable!
Bible Passage:
November 3, 2024

A Letter to Heritage

As we summarize the “Seven Letters to Seven Churches,” let’s ponder what God would say to us if He chose to write us a letter today.
Bible Passage:
October 13, 2024

The Dead Church - The Church of Sardis

Over the last 50 years, many of us have watched the death of powerful, mega-church ministries, while other smaller churches continued to live and thrive. Does a successful church take more than a large property, big crowds, full bankrolls, powers speakers and talented music? Let’s explore why some churches die while others thrive.
Bible Passage:
September 22, 2024

The Persecuted Church - The Church of Smyrna

We all want to be faithful to God, especially if things get worse for the Church in America. God has given us the Christians in Smyrna as our examples. Let’s take a deeper dive into their faith.
Bible Passage:
September 15, 2024

First Things First - The Church of Ephesus

Churches can be great places for teaching, missions, worship and ministry, but without loving Jesus as the foremost priority, we will most certainly drift away.
Bible Passage:
September 1, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 2

God is sovereign! So, why would a good God allow evil? That’s a very good question, and asked by many in our world today. Let’s take a Sunday to explore the answer.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 25, 2024

The Sovereign God: Part 1

We live in a chaotic world full of threats and uncertainties, and if anyone should be calm in the storms of life, it should be the born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Why? Because we believe in the Sovereignty of God. But what exactly does that mean?
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 18, 2024

The Restful God

Rest appeals to every human being on the planet, and our planet was created to be restful. But nature cannot provide the rest we long for. True rest is found in nature’s Creator.
Bible Passage:
No Series
July 28, 2024


An “Epitaph” is a life summarized into a simple phrase usually written on a tombstone. Both King Saul and King David were given epitaphs. Someday we will receive one, too. As we look back on this past year, what major lessons can we take away from 1 Samuel?
Bible Passage:
July 21, 2024

Worst-Best Moments

Throughout Scripture, we find the worst of circumstances brings out the best in God’s people. God uses the worst possible circumstances to bring out the best in David’s Mighty Men. God is committed to bring out the best in us, too!
Bible Passage:
July 14, 2024

Sorrow's Miracle

Sorrow. We do everything to avoid it. Ironically, it’s the instrument God uses to make us most Christlike. As we explore 1 Samuel 29-30, we discover how sorrow prepared David to be a king.
Bible Passage:
July 7, 2024

Fighting for Truth

Lies are told all the time and everywhere. Lies will be far more deceptive as we approach the end times. Can we identify a lie, and can we counter it with the Truth of Scripture? Let’s take a special Sunday and explore the nature of a lie, its consequences and effective ways to identify and defend the Truth.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 23, 2024

Lessons from the Pit

In 1 Samuel 27, David is in “the pits!” He’s tired of fighting. He’s tired of running, and seeks relief from the heartbreak and pain. He runs away from God’s people. He runs from his calling. But no matter how far he runs, he can’t run from God and His amazing grace!
Bible Passage:
June 16, 2024

God's Unwelcomed Gift

We all tend to get discouraged and lose heart, especially when you’re serving God. However, discouragement can be a good thing if we react to it according to the Word. Let’s watch how David reacted to it 1 Samuel 27. His reaction might surprise you!
Bible Passage:
June 9, 2024

Divine Irony

All of us desire more faith. Ironically, it’s often produced by unanswered prayer, or “things not (yet) seen.” King David, like most Christians, are on a quest to know God’s will, but ironically, the knowledge of His will remain elusive at times. Let’s explore divine irony in 1 Samuel 26.
Bible Passage:
May 26, 2024

Mercy Prevails

Justice is from God, while revenge is from the flesh, and often a very thin line separates the two. King David wrestles with both, justice and revenge, in a set of circumstances, if understood, fosters both wisdom and Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2024

Reckless Love

Life is risky, especially as a Christ follower, because Christ followers are trained to love others even as Jesus loved. And Jesus loved even though He knew it would hurt.
Bible Passage:
April 21, 2024

Leaving Strongholds

Life can be hurtful. Hurt can drive us to live behind walls. Like David on the run, we feel safe in strongholds. But God won’t let us stay there for long. Let’s study how God dealt with David, and prepared him to be Israel’s greatest king.
Bible Passage:
April 7, 2024

Removing Crutches

Life is short. God designed it that way. Life is also fragile with no guarantees that things will turn out the way we plan them. Ultimately, we must depend on God for all things. David was taught dependence upon God early in his preparation for greatness.
Bible Passage:
March 31, 2024

The Hope of Easter

We all need hope. Come hear three messages from three speakers on the three themes that explain the HOPE of Easter.
Bible Passage:
No Series
March 24, 2024

When Enemies Rise

Circumstances in life can quickly change. One minute you are adored by everyone, the next, you are cast aside as a deplorable. It happened to David, and it can happen to you. But one thing is for certain- You can trust God and know that He is with you no matter what circumstances convey.
Bible Passage:
March 17, 2024

Where are the Heroes?

Harvard University researcher, Peter Gibbon wrote an article, The End of Admiration, concluding that America’s greatest need today is someone to admire, an American hero. In 1 Samuel 18, David became Israel’s hero. He was admired for all the right reasons. What were the reasons? Let’s find out as we explore 1 Samuel 18.
Bible Passage:
March 3, 2024

God, Music and Demons

God… music… and demons - how are all three connected, and how do they relate to our lives today? Come find out as we take a deep dive into 1 Samuel 16.
Bible Passage:
February 18, 2024

When Leaders Fail Us

If you’ve been a Christian for a while, chances are, you either experienced and heard of the failure of a Christian leader. Is it possible to spot a bad leader or to see the failure coming? 1 Samuel 15 gives us great insights on this topic, and the keys to good leadership.
Bible Passage:
February 4, 2024

A Heart After God

What does it mean to have, “a heart after God”? What does that look like? How does a “heart after God” impact the world around it? The answer to these questions will become clear as we study 1 Samuel 14.
Bible Passage:
January 21, 2024

Celebrating 25 Years

On December 27, 1998, God birthed a church that was a part of something far bigger than itself. Join us as we journey through 25 years of American Christianity and the imperative role community churches like Heritage played in furthering the kingdom of God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 14, 2024

Final Words

Samuel gathers the people of Israel together, along with their king, and delivers four immutable truths before stepping away as their prophet. These truths are as relevant today as they were then.
Bible Passage:
December 31, 2023

Why Faith Fails

Like Saul, many Christians begin strong, live in favorable conditions and have a positive encounter with God, only to fall away. Why is this? It’s common, isn’t it? Let’s examine this phenomenon as we dig deeper into the life of Saul, king of Israel.
Bible Passage:
December 10, 2023

Who Left the Gate Open?

Does God care about the small, incidental things in my life? Does He care where I sit, what I eat, read, watch or where I sleep at night? Absolutely! In fact, ALL things are filtered through God’s hands.
Bible Passage:
December 3, 2023

Light in the Darkness

What has brought our world to a place of looming darkness? And what is certain to bring forth God’s amazing LIGHT? We will explore the Scripture with a discussion-based teaching.
Bible Passage:
No Series
November 12, 2023

Stability Amid Chaos

To paraphrase Psalm 119:105 is to say, “God’s Word helps me to navigate my life, and further, to keep me stable.” The world is full of chaos, and God’s people are full of stability. The difference? “Thy Word…”. Chaos or stability, the choice is ours.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2023

A Holy Fear

We often see the fear of God as something negative, but in reality, the fear of God is healthy for the human soul; preserves churches, communities and whole nations. As we journey through Samuel, let’s explore the fear of God and the good it eventually brings to God’s people.
Bible Passage:
October 22, 2023

Faith Perspective

Life’s circumstances can turn from bad to worse, but never are they to speak louder than God’s promise to work all things together for the “good”.
Bible Passage:
October 8, 2023

God Whispers

The obedience to speak God’s Truth in our beloved country today is more critical than ever. Join Pastor Tom as he breaks down the call of Samuel, who spoke God’s Truth to a lost nation.
Bible Passage:
September 24, 2023

Blessing or Consequence

As we honor God’s Word, He blesses our lives. But we can reject His Word and reap the consequences if we choose to. Let’s study 1 Samuel 2, and discover how the members of one household were the recipients of blessing and consequences due to their choices.
Bible Passage:
September 17, 2023

1 Samuel - An Introduction

Some may conclude, “If 1 Samuel was a movie, King David would be the main character.” But I don’t think so. I believe God is the main character, manifesting Himself in the lives of people. Certainly, you’ve heard of King David, and perhaps, Saul Jonathan or Abagail. But have you heard of Ichabod, Agag, Doeg, Achish, Nabal and many others? These are different lives, but they all encounter the same unchanging God.
Bible Passage:
September 3, 2023

Theology Matters

What you think about God regulates your “worldview”- your morals, your thoughts toward others, current behavior, and most importantly, your future. A few of us discuss a survey, “The State of Theology,” given to Evangelical Christians.
Bible Passage:
No Series
August 27, 2023

Faithful Stewardship

We all want to be faithful. But left to our own efforts, we often grow weary and discouraged. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit taught to us by God. Let’s explore the subject as we conclude our series on Christlikeness.
Bible Passage:
August 20, 2023

The Winnable War

Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned saint, temptation is never too far away. Jesus was tempted, and you will be also. But temptation is designed for your growth, to make you more like Jesus.
Bible Passage:
July 30, 2023


Pure-hearted worship, birthed from a holy fear of God, fosters life for individuals and nations. If we desire to live like Jesus, then let’s understand its significance.
Bible Passage:
July 23, 2023


Faithfulness, like patience, remains unseen until it’s brought to its end. Only after being brought to the depths of discouragement does faithfulness shine, and the strength of God maintains us.
Bible Passage:
July 16, 2023

Confidence in Christ

Confidence in God is the recognition that our circumstances in life are used by God to work all things together for our good.
Bible Passage:
July 9, 2023

Dependence on God

To live like Jesus is to depend on the Father as much as Jesus did and to reap the benefits from it.
Bible Passage:
June 25, 2023

A life Given

Jesus gave His life to give life. And God calls us to do the same every single day.
Bible Passage:
June 11, 2023

The Simple

esus taught simple truth, and His disciples were simple men. But “simple” does not mean, “ignorant, ill-equipped or unimaginative.” They lived their lives free of the clutter and encumbrances of the world.
Bible Passage:
June 4, 2023

The Way of Rest

Jesus said, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Could Jesus rest in the middle of a storm? Sounds impossible, but it’s true.
Bible Passage:
May 28, 2023


Throughout all of human history, no one changed the world more than the disciples of Jesus. Their influences, however, were not due to who they were, but Who they were with. They were CHRISTLIKE- They emulated Jesus.
Bible Passage:
May 14, 2023

Best-Laid Plans

The Apostle Paul had a plan. I have a plan. I think we all make plans for our future. But plans change, too. Why? Various reasons. But in our changing world, we can be assured, “A man’s heart plans his ways but the LORD directs his steps.” Come this Sunday and let’s glean from the life of Paul and his example of God’s divine guidance.
Bible Passage:
May 7, 2023

Ambassadors of Hope

Satan torments people; chains them in dark places, and leaves them hopeless. But we bear the light of hope; the gospel of forgiveness and the saving grace of Jesus. Our message reflects our titles, “Ambassadors of Hope.”
Bible Passage:
April 23, 2023

Troublesome Trivia

Trouble is no stranger to a thriving church. Forces of darkness attempt to stumble, mislead or distract believers. But as we discover in Romans 14, Paul nurtures the unity of the faith on unshakable foundations.
Bible Passage:
April 9, 2023

Resurrection Life

Life is full of challenges. But for the Christian, there is the hope of knowing he is not alone. God helps him in his “mortal body,” and more, fills Him with Resurrection Life.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
April 2, 2023

The Passion

One definition of, “Passion” is, “Suffer, or to have sorrow.” Jesus is our Comforter and further, our Example when it comes to the sorrows of life. Pastor Tom drives into Passion Week, the Character of Jesus and the model we are to follow.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2023
March 19, 2023

Overcoming Evil With Good

The world is full of evil, you agree? But evil fades in the presence of good, just as darkness fades in the presence of light. “Being about your Father’s business,” is letting your light shine in dark places.
Bible Passage:
March 12, 2023

A Life Given

The person placed in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the most revered soldier in America. He had to meet three requirements: He was militarily trained. He gave his life in battle. He never made a name for himself. Sounds like a lot of Christians I’ve known.
Bible Passage:
March 5, 2023

The Mercy Mystery

God keeps many things a mystery, but one thing He makes crystal clear- His unlimited mercy upon all those with humble, contrite hearts. Pastor Tom explores the “Mercy Mystery” and concludes Romans 11.
Bible Passage:
February 19, 2023

Good Treasure

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English language is made up of 171,146 different words, and the use of words can bring forth death or life; evil things and good treasure. Romans 10 speaks of the “Good Treasure”.
Bible Passage:
February 5, 2023

Simplicity of Faith

The natural default of man is to go the way of his own self-destruction, but God, Who is rich in mercy, plants the seeds of revival to turn him back to his Creator. Simple faith in the power of the Gospel keeps a man in perfect peace as he contemplates the future.
Bible Passage:
January 29, 2023

Vessels of Mercy

God draws people to Himself, but sometimes those whom He draws don’t look or act the way we think they should. If God was to bring revival, would we be ready to receive the broken and disenfranchised of this world? Paul speaks wisdom to his fellow Jews that needs to be heard today.
Bible Passage:
January 22, 2023

Repairer of the Breach - Annual Review

God uses His church to repair the lives of those breached and broken by this world. As a body of believers, we introduce people to Jesus and watch Him restore what has been broken down. With unity, purpose and focus, let’s ponder our mission as we consider the fruit of 2022 and the vision for 2023.
Bible Passage:
January 8, 2023

Mindset for 2023

Greek philosopher, Epictetus once said, “You become what you give your attention to.” There exists no greater way to improve your life and the lives of those around you than to give your full attention to Jesus.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 1, 2023

New Year's Resolution

Traditionally, many Americans begin a new year with a resolution, a promise, if kept, helps them live a better life. Are you planning to make a “New Year’s Resolution”? Do you want some counsel from Scripture?
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 11, 2022


Jesus was the ultimate outsider. He came against popular people and ideas, and ultimately, was crucified for it. Jesus also taught, “If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you.” Are you okay with that?
Bible Passage:
November 27, 2022

Reassuring Sovereignty

Do I believe because I am chosen by God, or am I chosen because I believe? This question causes contention with some and great comfort to others.
Bible Passage:
November 6, 2022

Marinated in Spirit

The Holy Spirit brings light to a dark world. The Holy Spirit uses you to do it. Ordinary people make the difference between life from death; good from evil, or freedom from bondage. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit Who works through you to bless the world around you.
Bible Passage:
October 30, 2022

The Miracle of Life Change

The principal role of the Holy Spirit is the conform us into the image of Christ. Obviously, it’s a process, and as long as you belong to Christ, the process is ongoing! The process is easier for some, and harder for others. What’s the difference?
Bible Passage:
October 9, 2022


We are all slaves to something, but to what or to whom, determines our true freedom. Paul encourages us to, “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)
Bible Passage:
October 2, 2022

Newness of Life

Do you know the difference between “Justification” and “Sanctification”? One sets you free from the penalty of sin and the other from the power of sin. With one, sin is pardoned; with the other, sin is subdued. One has everything to do with salvation, and the other with discipleship.
Bible Passage:
September 18, 2022

Unanswered Prayer

“What good is unanswered prayer?” Much in every way, but the flesh never likes waiting. Could it be that the benefits of today’s waiting are far greater than tomorrow’s answered prayer?
Bible Passage:
September 11, 2022

Greatest Run-On Sentence Ever

“Paul’s a poor communicator!” some thought. “His letters are weighty… and his speech contemptible” (2 Corinthians 10:10). But his critics failed to recognize that TRUTH can be weighty and contemptible. Paul is the king of the run-on sentence, but he’s also the champion of Truth! Some believe this single run-on sentence is perhaps the greatest sentence ever written. Come find out why this Sunday as Pastor Tom continues through the Book of Romans.
Bible Passage:
August 28, 2022

Second Chances

Everyone makes mistakes; says something he shouldn’t or in anger, reacts and later regrets it. And everyone who calls himself a Christian practices forgiveness. We offer second chances, don’t we? We release wrongdoers from guilt and help redirect their lives with mercy and grace.
Bible Passage:
August 21, 2022

His Final Masterpiece

God is our Creator, Maker and Maintainer of both life and faith. As such, what is His final goal for us? According to Paul, it’s “being transformed into the same image...” So, what does that look like?
Bible Passage:
July 24, 2022


The blind man… No one could have been worse off! He lived without sight, without family, community or mercy, and worst of all- He lived without HOPE. But then, Jesus came along and changed everything! So many people live blind, but redemption is only a decision away!
Bible Passage:
July 3, 2022

From Wisdom to Folly

Without Jesus, wisdom can quickly become folly. King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, only to grow old and live a life of vanity and folly!
Bible Passage:
June 26, 2022

The Principal Thing

“Wisdom.” King David is quoted by Solomon, defining wisdom as, “the principal thing”, meaning, “Foundational, something by which all else rests steadfast; essential and absolutely necessary to help us navigate through life. How do I get wisdom? How will it benefit me, and why does God put such priority on it?
Bible Passage:
June 12, 2022

Crushed and Remade

“You are the Potter; I am the clay…”. These are the lyrics to a modern Christian song that speak of God as our Master Craftsman. As the clay, no one minds the Father remaking him, but before that can happen, clay has to be crushed… and no one likes that!
Bible Passage:
June 5, 2022

The Master Craftsman - An Introduction

Thirteenth-century Theologian, Thomas Aquinas, challenged himself with three questions: What is my purpose? How am I to succeed? Why was I born at this time in history? We are born not knowing the answers to these questions, but we are born to know our Creator. And the closer we are to God, the more we come to know the answers to all of life’s questions.
Bible Passage:
May 15, 2022

God's Great Reveal

When God speaks, Light overcomes darkness; order prevails over chaos and peace takes the place of fear. As it was at Creation itself, so it is today with every human soul who seeks his Creator. God speaks and reveals Himself, and His love conquers all of life’s fears.
Bible Passage:
May 8, 2022

A Mother's Influence

A battle rages over the hearts and minds of our children today. Public schools, the entertainment industry and politics, together, undermine the traditional values that have protected our children. But nothing is more powerful than a mother’s influence! Mothers, take courage, as we look into the Scriptures and explore the God-induced power of “Mom”.
Bible Passage:
Mother's Day
May 1, 2022

Is God Judgmental?

Paul writes, “…The goodness of God leads us to repentance.” But not enablement! What’s the difference? Come find out as Pastor Tom breaks down Romans 2:1-11.
Bible Passage:
April 24, 2022

The More You Know

Years ago, NBC ran a public broadcast entitled, “The More You Know”. Remember it? It promoted education with an assumption, “The more you know, the better off you are!” Generally, most would agree with that, but it all depends on what you want to know! Come listen to the knowledge that lured the Romans in the 1 st Century, and how it’s not much different from what lures us today.
Bible Passage:
April 17, 2022

Resurrection's Hope

No matter how bad you might think the world is today; no matter the burdens you carry, the uncertainty you undergo or pain you suffer, Christ’s Resurrection triumphs over it all with the assurance that God is with you, and your best days are yet to come.
Bible Passage:
Easter 2022
March 27, 2022

Wait, Watch, Walk

“The just shall live by faith.” This short, little sentence spoke powerfully to people in Hubakkuk’s day; it spoke powerfully to people in Paul’s day, and it will speak powerfully to us in our day!
Bible Passage:
March 6, 2022

Rising Above the Trauma

Anxiety, chronic sadness, fear or anger can result from a world addicted to “bad news”. The messages of today invade the peace of even the strongest Christian. However, Paul models a Christlike mindset to the Romans that allows us to rise above the trauma of today’s world.
Bible Passage:
February 20, 2022

Overwhelmed...But God

Are you feeling underwater and overwhelmed by uncontrollable forces in life? Would it surprise you to know that Paul’s greatest accomplishments, including the writing of Romans, occurred when he felt the most inadequate? Let’s explore the man behind the letter and make sense as to why God allows us to be the most overwhelmed at the most inconvenient times.
Bible Passage:
January 30, 2022

Called Forth

The Book of Romans was written during a pivotal moment in the Early Church. Only a miracle would save the Church from disappearing entirely. But Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Jesus is still building, right? And as it was in the Early Church, today Romans continues to be foundational for our personal faith, and further, for the advancement of the Body of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 16, 2022

2022 Vision Sunday

In a world of increasing threats and worldly pressure, this is God’s description of His people. Throughout 2021, Heritage has been no stranger to threats and worldly pressure, but have we lived up to the prophet’s description? We will recap 2021 and look at our vision for 2022.
Bible Passage:
No Series
January 9, 2022

The Beauty of Simplicity

The Hallmark word of 2022 is, “Simplicity”. Routinely, Jesus took what was confusing and complex and made it simple to understand. In fact, that’s the hallmark of a great teacher.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 26, 2021

From Good to Great

What’s the difference between a “good” church and a “great” church? What’s the difference between a good Christian and a great Christian? Most believers would have a lot to say about that. Whole books and ministries are dedicated to the subject. So, how would you answer? The Apostle Paul answers both questions with one simple word.
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 5, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 2

Why does living and working for the Lord matter now? How will we be rewarded? What will heaven look like? Will we work and have purpose in heaven? What will we look like? Will we know each other? What kind of relationships will we have?
Bible Passage:
November 28, 2021

The Church and the Hereafter Part 1

God has future plans for His Church. So, what will heaven be like for us? Will we recognize places and people? Will heaven have any similarities to our present world? Will we have a purpose? What will we be like?
Bible Passage:
November 14, 2021

The Church - From the Beginning to the End

Are we nearing the Last Days? Will we face persecution? I’m not so worried about myself, but what about our children? How will God care for His Church? Let’s explore the Scripture and understand God’s love and care for His people, especially in the Last Days.
Bible Passage:
November 7, 2021

Sacrifice of Praise

[This world is a broken place] “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15 The Bible is full of incredible miracles that often took place during dark moments. And the darker the moment, the greater the miracle. Great moments and great miracles follow those who put their trust in God.
Bible Passage:
October 31, 2021

The Day That Changed Everything

After the Book of Acts, the greatest day in human history occurred exactly 504 years ago from this Sunday.
Bible Passage: