Young Adult Prayer Walk, Bible Study & InterVaristy

Last Sunday Night, 18 current student leaders, alumni, Church Staff, supporters, and InterVarsity Campus ministers met to do a prayer walk on SCC's campus in preparation for Club rush the following Monday and Tuesday.  

This Fall, we have applied and submitted all the paperwork in order to be an official Student-led club on campus.  Crosby Tinucci from Bridge, working for InterVarsity, has led a Bible study at SCC for 2 years in response to a Bible passage in Matthew 8 that the Lord gave him while praying about starting a new InterVarsity Bible study on campus there.  In an attempt to start a club, Pastor Tyson found a professor to be the club advisor but didn't have enough students to complete the requirements for student officers.  InterVarsity had 3 student officers.  Heritage provided 2: Adriana Weltzein (InterClub Council Representative) and Roland Holmdahl (Treasurer).  Other young adults, Justin and Zach, also attend SCC with Adriana and Roland.   Official club status allows us to have a table at the fall and spring club rush, set tables out for prayer or club representation throughout the year, post ads more freely, provides a small working budget from the college, and makes us the only official Christian Club represented on campus.  

Pastor Tyson will be leading an evangelistic Bible study at the picnic tables on Thursdays at noon in the quad outside the Hawk Bookstore.  Another student-led evangelistic Bible study is also held on Mondays at 10:30am.

During the Monday & Tuesday Club Rush we received more response cards than ever before from students wanting to be plugged into a Bible study. Statistics say freshman students are more likely to try new things in their first 6 weeks of college than any other time in their whole life.  This really showed in the openness of the students who dropped by our club table. We will be following up with these students throughout the semester in order to invite them to our Bible studies.

Please join us in prayer for SCC, the students and staff and for our club to be a light and resource for those that need it on the campus.

If you are in college, establishing or established in your career and desire to connect with God, the church, and other young adults, then this is the place for you! We hope to see you on Sunday Nights at 7pm @ Heritage.

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